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Mentre Mia Stella Miri....



Mentre, mia stella, miri

I bei celesti giri

Io vagheggiar potessi,

Mille bellezze tue con luci mille

Come esser puo' ch'io viva se m'uccidi?

E come vuoi ch'io mora,

Se mi dai vita ancora?

while, my star, watch

the glorius heavenly rotations

I might lovingly admire,

your thousand beauties with a thousand lights

How can it be that I live if you kill me?

And do you expect me to die,

if you still give me life?

Mentre, Mia Stella Miri....

Paolo Ravalico Scerri Video work streamed on internet on web tv

management: Nuova Icona

Mentre Mia Stella Miri

Mentre Mia Stella Miri - iPad

Mentre Mia Stella Miri - iPhone

video intervention 098 by Paolo Ravalico Scerri - 2010
ravalico scerri project, supported by: world wide web art / european culture

The 3-9-channel video work entitled " mentre mia stella miri..." (while my star, watch......2010), was shot outdoors: in the countryside and on the coast of the Ireland, surrounded by luxuriant vegetation. The result is a nature walk that undergoes transformation into a video poem about life; in the beauty and nature, between life and death, love and hate. Through images of flowers, the inner beauty of minimalist interiors, fountains sources of life and beauty, sea cliffs, mysterious landscapes, animals desperate .. fantastic apparitions.....

The video takes us on a symbolic journey into the nature full of charm that shows ways existential between panic and feelings scents evocative and nostalgic. The shooting was carried out in places strongly characterized as the Ireland and its coastal views, some seem troubled inhabited by...... .

The images taken, edited and assembled are accompanied by madrigals of Carlo Gesualdo 1594, performed by controaltista Leo Zappitelli

The project has been possible by the generous collaboration of many person , specal thanks: Leo Zappitelli, Emiliano Blasig, Tanya Kiang
and.. Vittorio Urbani, Brian Connely, Marie Donnely, Fergus Martin and others...